Download Magento Extensions

Friday, 21 June 2013

4 Magento Dynamic Product Pricing Extensions

With Dynamic Magento Pricing, customers can order products having different dimensions. Price is calculated based on these dimensions.  These plugins are suitable for products like blinds, cartons, fabrics, barrels, liquids, flooring etc. and provides following features:

  1. Calculate price based on Length, width, height measured in, square meter, square foot, cm, m, area and volume
  2. Enable Bulk Price update
  3. Add price Markup to bulk product quantity
  4. Provides Magento custom options dynamic pricing
  5. Provides Magento CSV, Matrix and Table pricing
  6. Provides Carton & box pricing

Following are the four extensions that can be used to enable dynamic pricing in Magento.

Box Calculator

Magento Carton and Box Pricing
This module provides Magento price per quantity feature. Customers enter the size of product they require in square foot or meter, and this plugin calculates how many boxes are required for packaging and shipping.

Learn more about the features in details here.

Percentage Pricing

This addon provides Magento cost based pricing feature. Store owners can apply markup on bulk quantity of products at once. Magento catalog price rules enable markup to be added on selective categories and products.

Learn more about the features in details here.

Pricing Calculator

Magento Square footage pricing
This extension enables dynamic pricing and discounts based on product dimensions in length, width, height, area & volume. Discounts can be applied on different product sizes. Centi-meters, Meters, Milli-meters, Inches and Feet are supported as input/output units.

Learn more about the features in details here.

CSV Based Pricing

Magento CSV and Tabular pricing
CSV Module provides table, matrix based pricing solution. It uses CSV file to dynamically change price. It differentiates itself from above mentioned Magento extensions by using spread sheet pricing. The limitation is that is only uses two dimensions e.g. in price calculator, price is based on length, width, height etc., but in CSV pricing only two dimensions can be used such as length and width. A plus point is the freedom of values that can be entered in spreadsheet and reduced time consumption.

Learn more about the features in details here.

Monday, 10 June 2013

How to Copy/Paste, Move or Duplicate Magento Category

Why would you require Magento Copy Category or duplicating categories in Magento? Among certain possibilities few important ones include, moving categories to new structure location without deleting existing ones, changing the order of categories and lastly managing too many categories. Here is one example of fixing Magento Category Order problems by drilling down to database in order to change the order.

Drilling down to code or database level might not be “always possible” solution for everyone. To better come out of this situation, use Duplicate Categories Magento Extension. This Magento Category Extension handles all the ins and outs of coding, user friendly frontend allows admin to easily duplicate or move any category to other root category. Following are the key benefits of this addon;

1.       Automates the process of moving /copying a category/subcategory from one location to another
2.       Removes any chances of errors that may occur during manual work
3.       Magento Copy product relationships with a category is supported. This feature is optional; admin can copy Magento product categories without relationships.
4.       Search and replace category labels. A feature intended to create Magento custom category by duplicating or copying existing ones.
5.       Choose parent/child category relationship

How it Works:

Following snapshots of this Magento Copy Category Extension will guide you on how to use this module in order to copy or duplicate a category. Briefly, after installation visit Manage Categories. A new button “Copy Category” will appear on the top right section once you have clicked on any category. A new page will open up listing other categories; you can select which one to move from here. Product relation is also selected from this page.

Once you have clicked on the desired category, click on “copy category” and there you go. You can learn more about different scenarios on DEMO.

magento copy category

magento duplicate category

Magento Cusom Category

magento add category

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Add an FAQ to Magento with Ratings & Comments

Magento Product Questions and FAQ Module build a knowledge base section which is highly useful for ecommerce websites. Because these sites sell products or services and their customers are often equipped with lot of questions. FAQs can be site wide or dedicated to products. What most companies follow is the practice of filtering common Magento product questions received from customers and then produce FAQ.

This Magento FAQ Module is equipped with Magento Ask a Question form installed right on product/service page. It removes the unnecessary need to click on “Contac Us” page and then asking a question. This form opens up in a popup; admin can configure “Slide down” style for it from the configuration. FAQs can be categorized into topics so that customers can easily find relevant answers quickly.  Magento FAQ accordion is integrated which gives a stylish look and browsing behavior.

FAQ landing page is automatically created after installation of this module which can be utilized for general/site wide frequently asked questions. Admin gets an option to add a question only on product page or both product and Magento FAQ page (wall) pages. More interesting and interactive feature included in this Magento product questions addon is the comments and ratings feature.

Customers can rate any answer, reply to it. This lets those who already have some knowledge of product answer on your behalf. Administration panel is divided into smaller sub panels dedicated to each feature configuration separately.  Below snapshots guides you on how to use this plugin. For more details please visit this plugin page as below.

Admin Panel

FAQ Management
Add caption

FAQ Topics

FAQ Configurations
